
ARMSID is "plug & play" replacement of the MOS 6581 and 8580 SID music chip used in the Commodore C64 and C128. It is a real "plug & play" solution. Just insert instead of the original SID chip into the socket and its done. Accurate sound, significantly lower noise level and less interference from the power supply than the original SID. Automatic recognition of 6581/8580 mode. You can change it anytime by using simple configuration utility to change the SID type, tune the audio filters and test your ARMSID. Lower power consumption than the original. Easy firmware update from the C64/C128 app.


UNICARD mk3b is an interface card for computers MZ-800 and MZ-1500**. It can be used with adapter in MZ-700* too. It allows you to simply run MZF/MZT files from a microSD card and provides emulation of standard SHARP peripherals and a VGA output, as well as other inputs/outputs (USB, RS-232C, Ethernet, PS/2, audio).

The Unicard can emulate standard SHARP peripherals, such as Quick Disk, various RAM disks (RAM, SRAM, SROM, EMM), a floppy controller with 4 floppy disk drives, a serial interface, a KANJI and dictionary card and some newly created peripherals, such as an arithmetic unit ALU, RTC and potentially more, because the firmware is still being updated. The Unicard offers several communication interfaces (Ethernet - HTTP server, USB and RS-232 - USARTShell, 8-bit API MZFRepo).

You are buying just the hardware. There will be firmware installed, but it is community developed and not part of the product and its guarantee. You can download actual firmware and ask for sources if you are able to contribute to development. Some proprietary Keil tools are required. Software configuration is done by Unicard Manager. You have to download it and place on your own microSD card. Unicard is sold without microSD card and without CR2032 battery.

Black version of Unicard is not produced currently. It is here just to sample interst and could be produced later.

* MZ-700 requires SHARP MZ-1U06 expansion or another bus adapter. The firmware support for MZ-700 is currently limited. Only older fw for European version of MZ-700 works. New fw is available for MZ-800 an MZ-1500 and will be adapted for MZ-700 later, but no promises.
** MZ-1500 has internal QD, so emulated QD is placed on different ports (0x74-0x77) to prevent collision. This requires use of updated ROM (binary available) and updated programs (BASIC available) to work with emulated QD.

Different Unicard firmware is required for different computers. Choose default firmware and you can change it anytime later by placing particular into root of microSD card and switch the computer on.

More information at:

MZ-700 adapter for Unicard mk3b

You can use Unicard Mk3b with Sharp MZ-700 with this adapter. It is possible to connect Unicard directly or with a flat cable.

Adapter supplies +5V power, which is absent on MZ-700 bus edge connector. Power can be supplied by miniUSB connector or short cable from one of the MZ-700 joystick ports.

This adapter is also sold as DIY PCB only.

If you buy this with an Unicard, we will refund the adapter postage, so the postage for adapter will be free. We can do this only after payment, while checking order, sorry for the inconvenience.


Would you like 2 SID stereo or 3 SIDs? Or FM synthesis?

ARM2SID is a new TWO or THREE SIDs and SFX Sound Expander (OPL FM synthesis) emulator in one DIP28 socket size! You can add the second socket as the second SID if you have stereo adapter or connect wires directly to your Commodore computer.
- up to 12 channels music (two or three SIDs or FM or one SID and FM)!
- for all C64 and C128 boards (please read manual)
- stereo in any combination of SID 6581 or 8580 models
- automatic fall-back to dual mono if second SID is not used
- configuration and upgrades by software utility in C64/C128

ARM2SID options:

  • ARM2SID with the second 2SID socket and a 5 cm cable
    This option is for anyone with 2 SID sockets in a distance up to 20 mm between SID sockets. This is the best option for the most of 2 socket stereo adapters and boards. SFX Sound Expander emulation is possible only if the adapter or board supports DFxx addressing on the second socket (e.g. MixSID and ULTIMATE-64).
  • ARM2SID with the second socket for C64 Reloaded MK2
    Special edition of the previous version, which contains additional resistors to move the external input offset on both sockets that allows the C64 Reloaded MK2 to autodetect ARM2SID as 8580. This is the best option for C64 Reloaded MK2. On the other side the resistors on the input can influence the input signal if the input is used in the future.
  • ARM2SID with the second 2SID socket and a 10 cm cable
    If a 5 cm cable is not enough and your SID sockets are in larger distance than 20 mm between them, then go for this version. If you need even longer cable, please contact us.
  • ARM2SID without the second socket, with a 30 cm connector cable + 2 Schottky diodes + pullup resistor
    This is the most powerful option that allows you to use all ARM2SID features – 2 SID stereo, 3 SID, SFX, SID + SFX. You must solder or use another way to connect wires to your computer. It is not difficult, but you need some experience or ask your friend to do it.
  • ARM2SID with the second 2SID socket and a special cable for Ultimate 64
    This option is the best for Ultimate 64 users. It contains standard 5 cm cable with one wire (A8) longer and finished with Dupont connector for connection to Ultimate 64 pin SID A[5..9]. It allows you to use 3SID and SFX Sound Expander emulation, as well as standard stereo SIDs. Each mode requires slightly different Ultimate 64 and ARM2SID software configuration.

Attention. No stereo expansion board is a part of the product. Just the ARM2SID + optional 2nd socket + cable (depends on chosen variant).

UNICARD mk3c (MZ-700)

UNICARD mk3c is an external interface card for SHARP MZ-700 and compatible computers. It allows you to simply run MZF/MZT files from a microSD card and provides emulation of standard SHARP peripherals and a VGA output, as well as other inputs/outputs (USB, RS-232C, Ethernet, PS/2, audio).

The UNICARD can emulate standard SHARP peripherals, such as Quick Disk, various RAM disks (RAM, SRAM, SROM, EMM), a floppy controller with 4 floppy disk drives, a serial interface, 80 cols expansions (SUC and K&P), PCG-700 and some newly created peripherals, such as an arithmetic unit ALU, RTC and potentially more, because the firmware is still being updated. The Unicard offers several communication interfaces (Ethernet - HTTP server, USB and RS-232 - USARTShell, 8-bit API MZFRepo).

You are buying just the hardware. There will be firmware installed, but it is community developed and not part of the product and its guarantee. You can download actual firmware and even ask for sources if you are able to contribute to development. Some proprietary Keil tools are required however. Software configuration is done by Unicard Manager. You have to download it and place on your own microSD card. Unicard is sold without microSD card and without CR2032 battery.

This UNICARD mk3c is almost the same as mk3b version for MZ-800/1500, it has only different connector for easy connection to MZ-700 computer by short ribbon cable and nice external alluminium box. It runs the same firmwares set as mk3b.

Thare are following options:

UNICARD for MZ-700 in silver or black alluminium case
You will get UNICARD in nice alluminum case, with laser etched front and back alluminium panels. You will also get short ribbon cable for bus connection and small power cable that fits to joystick port in MZ-700 and has miniUSB connector on the other end to provide power for UNICARD.

UNICARD without case, just working board and bus cable
UNICARD for DIY hobbyist who want to build their own casing. You will get fully working and tested UNICARD PCB and short ribbon cable for bus connection. There is no case, no panels, no serial cable/connector and no power cable. You have to provide power by a standard miniUSB power adapter. When you provide miniUSB power, microSD card (and optionaly CR2032 battery) you will get fully working UNICARD, just without case.

ARM2SID cables

Additional ARM2SID cables for those who want to use their ARM2SID in more devices. One cable is already included in all ARM2SID options.

You do not have to buy the cables form us, they are standard Molex Picoblade Cable Assemblies plus some aditional components and/or some work. You may have a local distributor near you and save money. The part numbers are:

5 cm cable ... Molex 15134-0600
10 cm cable ... Molex 15134-0601
30 cm cable ... Molex 15134-0603 cut one side + 2 pcs 1N5711 + 3k3 resistor + UFG1H100MDM "Fine Gold" high grade audio capacitor
U64 cable ... Molex 15134-0600 + 1/6 Molex 15134-0602 + crimp Dupont connector

If you buy from us any cables together with other items, the postage for cables is free.

eLeMeNt ZX v2

Powerful and smart 8bit home computer, a ZX Spectrum clone with lots of popular, already built-in peripherals. The eLeMeNt ZX combines a real Z80 CPU and a modern FPGA circuit to achieve the best compatibility with all software and hardware for the ZX Spectrum family.

Designed as a standalone unit, for the Tiny case and an external PC keyboard and mouse. Or to fit into cases of  ZX Spectrum +2 and +2A models, with their excellent keyboards.

Main features of the LMN128 FPGA core:

  • ZX Spectrum 48, 128 and +2A, Pentagon 128, 512, 1024 v2.2 and 4096 KB memory models
  • CPU speed 3.5/7/14/20 MHz, overclocking up to 30 MHz
  • precise display engine, perfectly synced timings, digital output incl. sound
  • SD and micro-SD slots, esxDOS, DivSD (divMMC) and Z-Controller storage interfaces
  • TurboSound FM, SID, 6-channel SAA1099, SounDrive/Stereo Covox/Specdrum sound
  • retro scan-line effects, hardware GigaScreen - no flickering, enhanced graphics: Timex modes, ULAplus and TrueColour palettes, HiRes with attributes, HGFX ZX-Planar
  • K-Mouse, Z80-DMA, Ultimate, divMMC and MB02 RAM expansions
  • Atari, Kempston or SEGA controllers
  • Wi-Fi connectivity (with WiFi module addon, purchased separately)

For hardware specifications please read the specs-sheet.

More information at:

There are 2 available sales options:

eLeMeNt ZX v2 (full) incl. FPGA board and CPU

  • includes Alchitry Au Artix-7 FPGA board with internal USB cable already installed
  • full setup with 16 GB micro SD card - ready to run
  • install the eLeMeNt ZX to an original ZX Spectrum +2 or +2A case or install it to the Tiny case v2.0 and use an external PC keyboard and mouse [*]
  • use original or similar 9V power supply (at least 1A, polarity does not matter)

eLeMeNt ZX v2 upgrade - motherboard with CPU only

  • no FPGA board included, get your own Alchitry Au Artix-7 FPGA board
  • includes short internal USB-A to USB-C cable (for a FPGA – motherboard serial link)
  • includes 16 GB micro SD card with core files
  • install the eLeMeNt ZX to an original ZX Spectrum +2 or +2A case or install it to the Tiny case v2.0 and use an external PC keyboard and mouse [*]
  • use original or similar 9V power supply (at least 1A, polarity does not matter)

[*] USB keyboards or mice must support the PS/2 protocol. Use „passive“ PS/2toUSB convertors for old PS/2 devices.

ARMSID shield Arduino UNO

Configure or update an ARMSID or ARM2SID without Commodore C64 computer.

If you use ARMSID or ARM2SID in a different solution than a Commodore computer and do not have a Commodore C64 or similar computer to configure you ARMSID, you can now use an Arduino with our simple Arduino shield.

You can use our free (open source) Arduino sketch with the shield to configure ARMSID or ARM2SID using Tera Term or similar ANSI terminal program.

It allows you to:

  • configure any ARMSID or ARM2SID parameters (SID type, address mappings, filters, digifix, ...)
  • update an ARMSID or ARM2SID firmware
  • play some SIDs to a 3.5 mm stereo audio jack (more than 60 ohms headphones or line input connection only)

This project is Open Source, you can do everything yourself from our public GitHub repository at

eLeMeNt accessories

Accessories for ZX eLeMeNt v1 and v2

AA-SRAM 2048-8

AA-SRAM is an expansion board with 16 Mbit (2M x 8) 10ns static RAM suitable for Alchitry Au or Au+ FPGA Development Board produced by Sparkfun.

The AA-SRAM is equipped with four connectors on top and four on the bottom for maximum stackability that snap to an Au or Au+ board.

The board is a memory expansion pack of the eLeMeNt ZX project as well.

WiFi module addon for v2 for eLeMeNt ZX v2

ESP2866 Wi-Fi module (MB03+, ZX-Uno/Karabas, ZX128-AY compatible) for internal socket of eLeMeNt ZX v2 board. This module does not fit in eLeMeNt ZX v1.

eLeMeNt ZX Tiny case

Tiny 3D printed eLeMeNt ZX case with printed logo. The case does not have a keyboard, but PS/2 keyboard with USB adapater can be connected directly to eLeMeNt ZX USB port.

The STL is available at

eLeMeNt keyboard

USB (PS/2 compatible) keyboard for eLeMeNt ZX, MB03+, emulators and other ZX Spectrum clones.

The keyboard has professionally UV printed ZX Spectrum keyboard layout. These are not stickers, but keycaps are direct printed.


UniCMT is a simple cassette recorder replacement for SHARP MZ-700, MZ-800 and MZ-1500 computers. In addition to cassette recorder emulation, UniCMT can also quickly run programs and work with the RAM disk, making the work with the MZ-700/800/1500 series computers much faster and more convenient.

For example, the game Flappy, which normally takes about 5 minutes to load, is started on the SHARP MZ-800 in about 6 seconds. See

*Boxes are printed on a standard FDM 3D printer and prints may contain minor imperfections.


MZ-1ARM18 is a simple replacement of SHARP RAM disks MZ-1R18 and MZ-1R12 for SHARP MZ-800, MZ-700* or MZ-1500 computers.

It has the same features as the original MZ-1R18 RAM disk, but contains an additional 64 kB of RAM (128 kB total) that can be paged or used seperately. The MZ-1ARM18 RAM disk can also emulate the S-RAM disk MZ-1R12 (without backup), allowing faster program loading. It can be used in conjunction with UniCMT for faster loading of the file manager or for fast transfer of programs to BASIC.

There are 2 firmware options:

  • page switching using port $E9, both RAM disks (MZ-1R18 and MZ-1R12) share the same 128 kB memory space
    • this is common for larger RAM drives manufactured in Europe
    • the $E9 port on the MZ-1500 conflicts with the port for writing to both sound chips at the same time, which can have an unexpected effects on the MZ-1500's functionality
    • this is a recommended option for European SHARP MZ-800
  • separate memory spaces
    • emulation of MZ-1R18 RAM disk has its own 64 kB of RAM
    • emulation of MZ-1R12 SRAM disk (without RAM backup) has the other 64 kB
    • this is a recommended option for MZ-1500

A later change is possible if you own the STLINK programmer or a clone of it. For users who have purchased a RAM disk from us, we will allow you to download new updated firmware versions.

*Use in the MZ-700 requires an adapter or external box, such as the MZ-1U06.
