News on e-shop

  • 15 June 2024 - new ARMSID firmware 2.16

    • Full support for 2 MHz mode of the Commodore C128. ARMSID is functional for all modes and types of C128 communication (even those incompatible with SID documentation).
    • Added the configuration possibility of enabling the EXT IN input (pin 26) as an analog input and connecting it to the internal mixer, as on the original SID chip. Slight increase in noise must be expected. We recommend to turn on this feature only if you really need it.
    • Added the configuration possibility to change the voltage level for automatic detection of SID type 6581/8580 according to the input voltage (pin 28). Initially this limit is set to 10.5V (lower level sets emulation 8580, higher level sets emulation 6581). Thanks to the new configuration option, this limit can be about 2V and so logic levels of 5V or even just 3V can be used to switch the SID type based on voltage level on pin 28 (pin 28 is not used for power supply of the ARMSID, only for measuring the voltage for auto-detection). This is useful for synthesizers, players, and other ARMSID circuitry outside of the C64/C128.
    • Acceleration of emulation when ADSR bug simulation is disabled.
    • Other minor improvements and optimizations.
    The new firmware is easy to update directly in your C64 or C128 computer. You can download the updater from product pages in our e-shop or get more info and the update directly on NOBOMI's page
  • 23 January 2023 - new ARMSID firmware 2.15 and ARM2SID firmare 3.15

    • Fixed bug with noise generation in the highest octave (reported for example in Crossroads II and Jumpman).
    • SID type detection with algorithm from codebase64 Detecting Sid Type - safe method returns the actual type setting from the ARMSID configuration.
    • Among other tracks, this allows you to play the last part of Wonderland XIII, at least if the ARMSID is set to emulate MOS6581. Prodigy rulez!
    • Fixed bad music timing in Turrican 2 - The Final Fight (audible in track 2).
    • Added undocumented playback of the "no" waveform, making, for example, the Boing Boom Tschak whistle significantly less (about 20dB down).
    • Modifications in the generation of combined waveforms (not only) for MOS8580 emulation, where they are more close to the original (as close as possible for chips that are themselves different from each other, also dependent on temperature, voltage and time).
    The new firmware is easy to update directly in your C64 or C128 computer. You can download the updater from product pages in our e-shop or get more info and the update directly on NOBOMI's pages
  • 16 July 2022 - new ARM2SID firmware 3.14

    • Bug fix - lower noise waveform tone pitch (reported e.g. in games Crazy Comets and Paperboy when using FW 3.11 and 3.12).
    • Fix in SFX emulation (some tracks were missing percussion).
    • Unified SFX emulation sample rate for all settings (with correct FM frequency reference set) to approx. 49.7kHz as on original Commodore Sound Expander cartridge.
    • Optimization for speed, not only for running the emulation itself, but also the bus response.
    • ARM2SID start is now faster. Instead of hundreds of milliseconds, ARM2SID is fully functional in less than 15 milliseconds after power-up!
    • CS signals from both sockets are handled as independent accesses (important for use in synthesizers).
    • Added the possibility to "fix" the so-called ADSR bug, i.e. a bug in the envelope generator, which is inherent to the original chips and is reproduced in ARMSID too. This is not needed in the C64 for compatibility reasons, but if you use ARMSID in synthesizers, you might be interested in this feature.
    • It is now possible via configuration to disable the automatic extension of the left channel sound to the right channel if it is not playing for a long time (again, important for use in synthesizers).
    • There is also an option to play only the data from the left channel to both SID channels (the emulation settings for each channel remain).
    • Slightly modified quality (Q) of filter circuits for even more faithful reproduction of MOS8580.
    The new firmware is easy to update directly in your C64 or C128 computer. You can download the updater from product pages in our e-shop or get more info and the update directly on NOBOMI page
  • 17 May 2022 - new ARMSID firmware 2.14

    • Bug fix - lower noise waveform tone pitch (reported e.g. in games Crazy Comets and Paperboy when using FW 2.11 to 2.13).
    The new firmware is easy to update directly in your C64 or C128 computer. You can download the updater from product pages in our e-shop or get more info and the update directly on NOBOMI page
  • 6 December 2021 - new ARMSID firmware 2.13

    • Further optimization of code speed and size.
    • Bus operations are faster, finally "paddles" are successfully read on NTSC machines even with the oldest HW versions of ARMSID (with components on top)!
    • ARMSID start is now faster. Instead of hundreds of milliseconds, ARMSID is fully functional in less than 15 milliseconds after power-up!
    • Added the possibility to "fix" the so-called ADSR bug, i.e. a bug in the envelope generator, which is inherent to the original chips and is reproduced in ARMSID too. This is not needed in the C64 for compatibility reasons, but if you use ARMSID in synthesizers, you might be interested in this feature.
    • Slightly modified quality (Q) of filter circuits for even more faithful reproduction of MOS8580.
    The new firmware is easy to update directly in your C64 or C128 computer. You can download the updater from product pages in our e-shop or get more info and the update directly on NOBOMI page
  • 10 September 2020 - new ARM2SID firmware 3.12

    • Digifix in MOS8580 emulation is now configurable. By the software it can be set to a several levels including inverse polarities.
    • The Digifix is controlled by external pin current by default (as a real MOS6581 is). If you miss it, just set it by the configuration program as you want.
    • Digifix for MOS8580 is required for example in the Ghostbusters game, but most of the games, demos and music (specially new ones) is not counting with Digifix and can produce some additional noises and hum.
    • In this FW is finished the hotfix in noise generation (test bit) from previous FW, now is no sound missing for example in the TestBit_4x.sid.
    • Big improvement in 6581 emulation. Fixed inner analog offsets in the MOS6581 emulation. Less distortion in some demos (for example Mahoney - Musik Run/Stop) and no more clicks in some games music (for example Bubble Bobble).
    • Fix in tone counter updates during fast changes.
    • Fixed setting of the lowest filter frequency for MOS6581 emulation (sometimes the simulation did not match the settings).
    The new firmware is easy to update directly in your C64 or C128 computer. You can download the updater from product pages in our e-shop or get more info and the update directly on NOBOMI page
  • 10 September 2020 - new ARMSID firmware 2.12

    • Fixed setting of the lowest filter frequency for MOS6581 emulation (sometimes the simulation did not match the settings).
    • Remember the "Digifix" update from the previous version, if something sounds different to you on the MOS8580 emulation, please check the configuration.
    The new firmware is easy to update directly in your C64 or C128 computer. You can download the updater from product pages in our e-shop or get more info and the update directly on NOBOMI page
  • 10 July 2020 - new ARMSID firmware 2.11

    • Digifix in MOS8580 emulation is now configurable. It can be set to few levels including inverse polarities.
    • Digifix is now controlled by external pin by default (as a real SID is). You can change it in config utility.
    • Digifix for MOS8580 is required for example in the Ghostbusters game, but most of the games, demos and music (especially new ones) do not expect Digifix and can produce some additional noise and hum.
    • Improved noise generation (test bit) from previous FW, no sound missing for example in the TestBit_4x.sid.
    • Fixed inner analog offsets in the MOS6581 emulation. Less distortion and no more clicks in some music.
    • A small fix in tone counters updates in the fast changes.
    • Faster release of the data bus after reading cycle.
    The new firmware is easy to update directly in your C64 or C128 computer. You can download the updater from product pages in our e-shop or get more info and the update directly on NOBOMI page
  • 29 March 2020 - new ARMSID firmware 2.10 and ARM2SID firmware 3.8

    Fixed a bug in the values generation of the register OSC3 during a noise waveform. Reported in the game Paradroid.
    The new firmware is easy to update directly in your C64 or C128 computer. You can download the updater from product pages in our e-shop or get more info and the update directly on NOBOMI pages or
  • 22 January 2020 - new ARM2SID firmware 3.7

    Corrected bug in bootloader. If user tried an update with SFX only mode configured, the ARM2SID stuck in the bootloader and was not possible to update it on a user side. Factory updated was needed. New updater disables the SFX mode, as well as patches the bootloader to prevent problems in a future.
    Improvements in the 3rd SID implementation in 3SID mode and some more minor tweaks and updates.
    The new firmware is easy to update directly in your C64 or C128 computer. You can download the updater and get more info at
  • 26 June 2019 - new batch of ARMSIDs in stock again

    Due to high demand we produced a new batch of ARMSIDs. All ARMSIDs in the stock have the newest firmware v2.9.
  • 9 June 2019 - new ARM2SID firmware 3.6

    A quick response in stereo mode was added (when using the second socket), the dual-mono mode is activated without timeout when both sockets are addressed at the same time.
    The new firmware is easy to update directly in your C64 or C128 computer. You can download it and get more info at
  • 29 May 2019 - new ARM2SID finally in stock

    After some firmware polishing we have finally ARM2SID in stock and available for purchase. Sorry for the delay.
  • 18 April 2019 - new updated e-shop

    • new updated design
    • more products
    • VAT exemption for export to countries outside European Union
    • VAT reverse charge applied for EU customers (companies) with valid EU VAT Id
  • 16 April 2019 - new ARMSID firmware 2.9

    New features from the previous version 2.8:

    • Better compatibility with some older C64 models. A longer time is required to activate the reset signal.
    • Small fix in noise generator on the lowest bits. Also faster computing.
    • Other speed and code size optimizations.

    The new firmware is easy to update directly in your C64 or C128 computer. You can download it and get more info at

  • 14 April 2019 - ARMSID out of stock

    We are sorry, but ARMSID is out of stock again. We will try to refill our supplies asap. We expect new supply delivery in about 2 weeks. And there will be a new surprise too ;-) Thank you for your purchases.

  • 11 March 2019 - new ARMSID batch in stock again

    All ARMSIDs in the stock have the newest firmware v2.8.

  • 1 March 2019 – postage pricing updated

    New better postage pricing! 1-3 ARMSIDs for the same postage & packaging price!

  • 21 February 2019 - new ARMSID firmware 2.8

    New features from previous version:

    • The start and the end of the bus data cycle (reading or writing) is now controlled by signal CS only (it was the same on the beginning of the cycle, but the end was controlled by 02 clock before), it can help with a bus stability in other systems than C64 a C128.
    • Internal frequency generators are updated with precision of one 02 clock - about 1us (no audio signal phase changes after frequency retuning)!
    • Correct polarity of the bandpass filter.
    • Added emulation of internal filter voltage offset.
    • Added the "Digi Boost" feature by software - an effect similar to adding 330kOhm resistor between EXTin and GND on the MOS8580.
    • Other speed optimizations.

    The new firmware is easy to update directly in your C64 or C128 computer. You can download it and get more info here

  • 6 February 2019 - e-shop created