Accessories for ZX eLeMeNt v1 and v2
AA-SRAM 2048-8
AA-SRAM is an expansion board with 16 Mbit (2M x 8) 10ns static RAM suitable for Alchitry Au or Au+ FPGA Development Board produced by Sparkfun.
The AA-SRAM is equipped with four connectors on top and four on the bottom for maximum stackability that snap to an Au or Au+ board.
The board is a memory expansion pack of the eLeMeNt ZX project as well.
WiFi module addon for v2 for eLeMeNt ZX v2
ESP2866 Wi-Fi module (MB03+, ZX-Uno/Karabas, ZX128-AY compatible) for internal socket of eLeMeNt ZX v2 board. This module does not fit in eLeMeNt ZX v1.